In addition to dealing with our accounts Damion has been part of the Senior Management Team at Vitality360 since the company was founded 9 years ago. His vision, support and encouragement has been an essential part of our growth and development during this time. Over the last 18 months I have also had monthly business coaching sessions with Damion which helps me keep on track with our goals and aspirations. He always listens carefully, reflects on both achievements and issues then gently challenges me to set measurable actions which will be of optimal benefit to myself and Vitality360. – Would you be kind enough to write a short review of our service for our website?
- 10/10 – How well are we doing in dealing your accounts, tax returns, bookkeeping etc in a timely and accurate way?
- 10/10 – How well are we doing in responding to emails / queries etc?
- 10/10 – How much of a difference are we making to the success of your business?
- 10/10 – How likely is it that you would recommend us to someone else?
Bev Knops – 07 Dec 20