Co-Accounting South London Ltd Logo

As a new business there were some assumptions made about process familiar to you but new to us. A handbook would be useful explaining standard procedures. Examples, We are still unsure on Categorizing some expenses. Our invoicing procedure took a long time to sort out with deposits vs payments and future dated invoices and meant extra stuffing costs to rectify. VAT information. On the flip side you guys are proactive and insightful. – Is there anything that you would like to raise or any suggestions for improvement?

Coaccounting consist of proactive and progressive team who are friendly and insightful. As a new, small business they offer a valuable accounting service but go beyond to help support and structure the business through on going interactions. I would recommend. :) – Would you be kind enough to write a short review of our service for our website?

  • 8/10 – How well are we doing in dealing your accounts, tax returns, bookkeeping etc in a timely and accurate way?
  • 7/10 – How well are we doing in responding to emails / queries etc?
  • 6/10 – How much of a difference are we making to the success of your business?
  • 8/10 – How likely is it that you would recommend us to someone else?

05 Jun 22