Co-Accounting South London Ltd Logo

I suppose the only thing I'd say is that I seem to have been 'introduced' to quite a few people over the last couple of years and sometimes I am not sure who I should go to with a query. Damion is obviously a constant, and Jo also, but I'm less clear about the others and their roles sometimes. I don't want to bother Damion with the 'small stuff' but still only really feel I have a 'relationship' with him! (Not that that's a problem!) [And there's a little note below this field which says that the answer will be shown live on your website - I am assuming not...?] – Is there anything that you would like to raise or any suggestions for improvement?

As a very small business, I value the Crunchers Service. The 'basics' are sorted out in a clear and unfussy way, and the 'business development' aspect is thoughtful and useful. I never feel like I have to worry about this aspect of my business and that is worth a lot. – Would you be kind enough to write a short review of our service for our website?

  • 9/10 – How well are we doing in dealing your accounts, tax returns, bookkeeping etc in a timely and accurate way?
  • 9/10 – How well are we doing in responding to emails / queries etc?
  • 8/10 – How much of a difference are we making to the success of your business?
  • 9/10 – How likely is it that you would recommend us to someone else?

06 Jan 20